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Woman smiling with teeth whitening tray.

3 Dental Treatments That Can Transform Your Smile

Behind every dull, tired smirk is a smile waiting to beam. At Dental Solutions of Little Rock, we love helping patients unlock the smile of their dreams. And by offering them the latest and greatest in cosmetic dentistry, we can do exactly that.

Here are three of the best treatments to get if you’re looking to transform your smile.

Teeth Whitening

One of the quickest ways to revive a dull smile is with in-chair teeth whitening or take-home kits. In our practice, we can help you achieve a brighter smile in just one visit, lightening your teeth several shades in under an hour. The best part? You can also get custom take-home trays that allow you to touch-up and maintain your results from the comfort of your couch.

Porcelain Veneers

If you have one or several teeth that are slightly chipped, misaligned, discolored, or uneven, porcelain veneers are a simple solution to achieve a stunning smile. Veneers are thin shells that look just like your natural teeth-only improved! They’re applied to the front of your teeth to conceal flaws. With proper care and attention, veneers can be long-lasting.

Dental Implants

For patients who may be missing one or multiple teeth, a dental implant can completely restore a broken smile. Implants are ideal in cases where a bridge or other cosmetic treatment won’t achieve the same result. Implants are placed into the jaw, forming a sturdy root for the crown that will eventually be placed on top. Implants are made of highly durable material and are extremely long lasting, not to mention offer stunning finished results.

Book a Visit

Wondering what option would be perfect for you? We’d love to help you find out. Contact our practice today to book a consultation.

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